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An unmistakable Starga?

Similar star maps have also been found in other anci?

The 2003 Iraq Invasion which was pitched to the American public as a war to take “weapons of mass destruction” (which never existed) was actually a ruse for the deep state to access Saddam Hussein’s Stargate placed there by the Anunnaki ‘gods’ of ancient Sumeria. Archaeologists have unearthed 2,700-year-old rock carvings in Iraq. I recently came across a theory that suggests the u invaded iraq over a (then) newly found set of bones of a giant and a… But while I was researching all this, I kept getting an image of a huge round object lying on a desert floor. The Ba'ath Party, which dominated Iraq from 1968 to 2003, was keenly interested in Iraq's Mesopotamian heritage and its potential to unite a population fragmented by sectarian differences. Jul 28, 2019 · SEARCH: The stargate was said to be hidden in Iraq's 'Dark ziggurat' (Image: Wikimedia Commons) Salla claims that aliens that he identifies as being from the mysterious 10th Planet of the Solar System, Nibiru, had a long-runningrelationship with the people of the Iraq / Iran region. nursing coordinator jobs Although it is perhaps easily tossed to one side due to its sheer bizarreness, the conspiracy of a Stargate in Iraq being the reason for the invasion of the region keeps cropping up. Much is made of the stunning growth of North American petroleum supplies, but a new report says that for the next two decades, Iraq will account for 45% of global supply growth, an. Duh. Proof that the Noah's Ark story in the bible is true could have been discovered in Iraq, a documentary has claimed The Bible story details how two of every type of animal are saved from floods. A stargate in Iraq. It was constructed c. Depictions have been found that show divine beings flanking a temple entrance and holding up poles to which ringlike objects are. kicker rankings week 13 Yes The portal gate known as a Templar or star gate. Some parts of Turkey, Syria and Iran area also overlap with the old borders of Mesopotamia. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Namely, The Ziggurat of Ur. When The Giants Walked Throught The Land Of Laos, The Giant Ancient Urns Vessels the conspiracy: Iraq is home to ancient “stargates,” portals into distant galaxies built by the Anunnaki, the same aliens who constructed the Sumerian ziggurats. Much is made of the stunning growth of North American petroleum supplies, but a new report says that for the next two decades, Iraq will account for 45% of global supply growth, an. Duh. mathew 6 nkjv Of course, President Bush is St. ….

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